Please enter your contact information in the fields and click the SUBMIT button to receive the BIOS Utility. The BIOS Utility zip file will give you an option of OPEN, Save, or Save As. You can OPEN it directly on the FZ-G1 tablet or you can download (SAVE, SAVE AS) and run the patch.

Important Note; This utility will restart your tablet - be sure to save and close any open files before proceeding!
The information collected from this form will only be used for the explicit purpose of tracking progress of the voluntary recall notice, and to provide you any important updates related to the voluntary recall notice. Your information will not be used in any way for marketing, promotions, or sales and will not be shared outside of Panasonic and its parent and sister divisions.



For information on how to upgrade to Windows 10 and support, please visit Microsoft support page.

For information on how to upgrade to Windows 10, please visit our Panasonic support page.